Health Hero USA

About Us

The Health Hero program, and the underlying private-sector in-school immunization model began with our partner company, HNH Immunizations, headquartered in Alabama.

HNH was created to address a concern in the Alabama State Senate about high-levels of absenteeism causing low test scores and academic performance. Alabama State Senator Gerald Dial believed the root cause was Alabama’s low vaccination rates.

Since its roll-out in 2011, HNH successfully immunized over 1,000,000 students.


The Health Hero teams have safely immunized over 1,000,000 school children and staff since 2011.

Health Hero

Participation in this program helps us cover the cost of vaccinating uninsured and saves lives. You are a Health Hero!


Average school clinic lasts 60-90 mins with students out of the classroom 10 mins or less.

No Cost

We bill your insurance company. All you need to do is provide us accurate information.

For Parents / for Schools

Our clinics are Safe – We have immunized over 1 million students and school staff and counting. Our Clinics are Efficient – Clinics on average are less than 90 minutes and students are out of class 10 mins or less.

What is Influenza?

Influenza, commonly called “the flu”, is a highly contagious disease that is caused by a virus, which infects the respiratory tract (nose, throat, and lungs). Unlike the common cold, the flu can cause severe illness and life-threatening complications in many people of all ages.

Nationwide each year, more than 200,000 people (20,000 children) are hospitalized from flu related complications and 36,000 die. Contact Us for more information

Our Staff

Timothy Quinn MD

Larry Miller, MD

Dr. Isaac Thomsen

Audrey Hodge, MD

Amanda Draper, MD

William Ware MD

Paul Wolfe, MD