Health Hero USA

For Parents

The Health Hero program is the most successful and effective provider of school immunization clinics.

Since our first limited school pilot in 2011 where 300 students were vaccinated, our program has expanded to multiple states from coast to coast and over 1 million students and school staff immunized!
At the request of school districts, Health Hero has also expanded to provide other required vaccinations.


The Health Hero teams have safely immunized over 1,000,000 school children and staff since 2011.

Health Hero

Participation in this program helps us cover the cost of vaccinating uninsured and saves lives. You are a Health Hero!


Average school clinic lasts 60-90 mins with students out of the classroom 10 mins or less.

No Cost

We bill your insurance company. All you need to do is provide us accurate information.

All services are administered by trusted Medical Professionals from your local community. Our Medical Directors are board certified physicians with many years experience treating children. All of our Doctors and Nurses are licensed in your state.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention urges every eligible person to get a flu shot! They report the most effective line of defense against influenza is a flu shot. Even if you are not in a high risk category, you can pass it on to others before your symptoms are full blown. Each year the statistics show that millions of people get the flu, hundreds of thousands of people are hospitalized and tens of thousands of people, including many children, unfortunately and unnecessarily die from the flu and it’s complications.

The Health Hero program can have a significant positive impact on your community. By bringing the clinic to the school, parents do not have additional out of pocket expenses or take time off from work nor does the child have to miss school time. Your participation helps us cover the cost of immunizing those who are under insured or have no insurance thus raising vaccination rates of your entire school community. Less children potentially sick means reduced chances of school staff getting sick, school epidemics or school closures!
Keep your child, family, and community healthier with a no-cost Health Hero school clinic!

For more info please contact us. If your school is not participating in one of our school vaccination programs, please reach out to your school principal or PTA leader and urge them to contact Health Hero. Like parents, there are no costs for schools to take part in this program. Clinics are scheduled:
 Sept – Dec ( Flu )
 Feb – June ( Tdap, Meningococcal & HPV )

Vaccine Information Sheets (VIS)